Tuesday, February 1

Bye bye car

Fizz the Honda Fit just got picked up.  I told her she was going to car camp, where all the cars play in a nice heated garage and she will have lots of fun activities like being started once a month.  I don't think she bought it.

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That's OK, I don't need a computer

When you are having a stressful move anyway, what you really don't need is more stuff that you didn't expect on top of it.

I bought a laptop about a month ago after my old one decided it was unhappy and needed a rebuild and then had driver issues.  The one I bought was just an update on the old one, which I have been pretty happy with.  However, the wireless card started cutting in and out.  Since I was leaving so soon, I couldn't get it repaired, nor could I get an exchange.  Lenovo agreed that I could return it and I ordered a new one from Tech Depot, since they could get it to me in time.

That one arrived Monday night, and when I turned it on, it got to POST, beeped twice, and said "fan error."  According to both the internet and Lenovo technical support, this is caused by the fan not spinning up and the general solution is replacement of the fan and heat sink.  Which, wait for it, I can't get done in time.  The guy gave me the only authorized service provider in Baltimore's phone number, but they no longer service Lenovo laptops.

So now I can return two laptops and walk over to Best Buy to buy a third that isn't exactly what I want and hopefully will work, or I can keep the first one, since the wifi card has been solid for the last week.  It looks like switching out the wifi cards between the two is kind of a hassle, and also might be unethical.

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